Edicion de las Obras Completas / Opera Omnia de Santiago Ramirez, O.P. (3-volume set in 11 parts). Tomo I: De Ipsa Philosophia in Universum I & II. Tomo II: De Analogia I, II, III & IV. Tomo III: De Hominis Beatitudine in I-II Summae Theologiae Divi Thomae Commentaria (QQ.I-V) I, II, III, IV & V


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Artikelnummer: 039094 Categorie:


3 (of 12) volumes in 11 parts, Bound in the publisher’s paper wrappers (Some of the spines rubbed/scuffed, some small makrs and underlinings with pen in vol. III1, otherwise in good condition. Clean and unmarked interiors and untrimmed edges.)



Madrid, Instituto de Filosofia Luis Vives/ C.S.I.C. 1970-1972